Humanese is a language currently being devised by Alexander Curtis. As all living languages are infiltrated with the slick cynicism of our age and our couldn’t care less attitudes regarding the knock on effects of our actions, by showing that things can be done differently, the inventing of a new language might help us break the mind-set in which we have got ourselves so irrevocably stuck. In the developing of a language, at every turn questions arise whose answers influence how we see and interact with the world.
In Humanese, the answers to many questions of grammar are arranged to reflect more sensitive ways of relating to our environment. The underlying mentality is that there is no such thing as outright ownership rather, subjects are only ever the wardens of objects that it is their job to pass on. In Humanese everything is seen as being in a transitory state of flux. The point of life is not to arrest the flow and make something permanent but rather to channel it, so that while it lasts, something noble, dignified and responsible may be beheld. Nevertheless, during life the self is seen as something that exists, with this also being reflected in Humanese grammar.
Like Japanese, Humanese, in its written form, consists of both letters and hieroglyphs, with the latter often being endowed with the property of being able to reach, literally, out into the world of three-dimensional space. Though resounding with echoes from the past, these are to be seen as mantras capable of leading us towards a sustainable future.